GharSe - A Home-to-home food delivery brand
By Team NAN 2.0
18U130020 Niharika Kumawat
18U130010 Avinash Manikandan
18U130021 Niharika Mohile
Our project was a combination of system design, branding, and UI design. GharSe is a delivery service, which connects home-cooks willing to sell their food, to people who are willing to buy it. We saw a need for this in the post-covid world because there are several people working from home, who do not have the time to cook meals. At the same time, they do not want to eat restaurant food everyday, and maids or cooks are not considered safe as they may carry corona. In such a situation, people would feel the need to get home-cooked food, and being unable to make it themselves, they would use GharSe to buy it. GharSe divides its customers into consumers (those who buy) and suppliers (those who sell). These are connected by deliverers, who collect the food from the suppliers, take it to a re-sorting space, where it is sorted according to the consumers, and then delivered.
The project started with research into food delivery, into different cuisines of Indian food, and into people who order food, and their preferences. We then brainstormed, and after a long process reached the topic of home-to-home delivery. For the project, as final deliverables, we created the system of food delivery, we created an interface for the delivery in the form of an app, and we established a brand identity for GharSe.