Design Process from a Design Perspective involves 6 stages as below:
• Stage One: Data Collection:
- What is the brief from the Client?
- Is it a new design or a redesign?
- By interacting
. with users - very important (sampled?) - is there a focused group?
. with users to talk to them, narrate their experiences and getting their feedback.
. with experts to seek their opinion
. through emails, discussion forums, e-groups, etc.
- By observing and studying
. the users navigate through different spaces
. the different interactions the users have with the environment and how they use the facilities
. the environment, artifact, building or the facility for the signage
. external space? internal space? public space??
- By documenting
. all the facilities along with the users
. using photography, sketches, video-taping
- By conducting
. experiments (controlled?) ex. for visibility, recognisability, etc.
- By referring to
. previous works, examples, etc.
. literature, papers, books, magazines, project reports, etc.
. web documents
• Stage Two: Understanding the 'Design Problem for Investigation':
- Physical factors?
. shape, form, colour, number, size, texture, etc.
. sound, smell, growth, repetition, etc.
. realistic, Abstract.
- Organising factors?
. sequence and hierarchy of information, spatial organisation, flow, structure, etc.
. activities, interactions, interactivity, etc.
- Semantic factors?
. expressions, meaning, content, feeling, etc.
. macro view, micro view, etc.
- Functional factors?
. educational, entertainment, emotional, promotional
. to Identify, to differentiate, to focus, etc.
. to inform, to direct, to warn, etc.
- Influencing factors?
. cultural factors, local idioms and conventions
. aesthetics, trends, etc.
- Usability factors?
. visibility, readability, etc.
. human factors, etc.
. human Product Interactions
- Technology factors?
. materials and processes
. method of manufacture - batch, mass, hand fabrication?
• Stage Three: Analysis of the 'topic under Investigation':
- Compare, cross-relate, evaluate
- Locational factors?
. mapping, way -finding, tracing
. human movement analysis
- Identification factors
. identifying functions, grouping, connecting, etc.
. compare symbols, labels, typography, text, etc.
- Structuring your factors?
. classification, grouping of similar factors, chunking, etc.
. differentiating factors, identifying unique features, etc.
. assigning hierarchy, ordering factors, etc.
- Graphical analysis?
. graphs, charts, mapping of factors.
. chart of 'time - activity - senses - spaces -function'.
. visualization of Information/ factors.
- Experimental analysis?
. set up constraints and conduct experiments.
• Stage Four: Synthesis and problem solving:
- Converge, redefine, brainstorm, idea generation, alternate solutions.
• Stage Five: Rapid Prototyping, Models and feedback:
- Mock-ups, sketches, models, scenarios, presentations, user and client feedback.
• Stage Six: Refine, implementation, prototyping and standards:
- Detailing, drawings, materials, processes, prototyping.
- Vision statement, standards, specifications, manuals, roll-out programme.