Notes on issues related to the Design of Signage Systems
What are the Different names for these Graphic Representations?
Symbols or logos:
Symbols usually refer to the graphic motif and logo to the way the name is written, but in some cases they are difficult to separate/distinguish. When used as graphic representations for organisations, societies, companies, industry, clubs, regions, etc. It has the power to unite and bring about a feeling of identity. Variations of this form of identification can be in form of a flag, a song, a phrase, a saying, a color, a motif, a dress code, etc
What is a Corporate Identity system?
Corporate Identity:
It is like the calling card of a company that simultaneously seeks to convey two critical facets of its identity - one, a clear sense of purpose for the corporation and two, a sense of belonging that it enjoys both amongst its people within (the corporation) as well as outside of it. In the long run, a corporate image building exercise is meant to stem the hidden costs of 'impersonality' that usually sets into an organisation that is too complacent about itself.
Contrary to popular perceptions, corporate identity systems cannot be conveyed merely through slogans or a logo or its annual report. On the other hand, it is a composite of the following: (1) the products that the company makes or sells (or both); (2) the building(s) in which the company's activities are centred; (3) the company's communication material ranging from its advertising to its instruction manuals; and of course, (4) the packaging for/of its products. Since all these have a visible and a tangible quality to them, they can all be subject to the design process. Where, in contrast, there are the intangible and yet equally determining elements of corporate identity, such as the behaviour of the company towards its people within as well as towards its clients outside, that cannot be subject to a design process. These are, in stead, usually shaped by Human Resources Development (HRD) specialists. However, in any sound corporate identity strategy, the design must be such as to facilitate rather than be isolated from the company's HRD interests.