Brief for the Course Assignments/Exercises:
• There are assignments for students to complete the same during the course duration of 2-3 weeks.
• Students are supposed to work in groups of 3-5 members in each group.
Assignment 1:
Students in each group select any particular important experience/episode from his/her life and represent the holistic experience as a total composition by using illustrations, diagrams, sketches and drawing etc.
Each group brainstorms on the important experience in each member’s life and then the group selects the best experience from the group and prepare to represent it schematically using illustrations, drawings etc.
Each group has to present the final selected experience/story chosen from the same group. The presentation will have a good narrative or story telling structure. During the presentation all the group members participate.
During this exercise/assignment the students have to retrieve important episodes from the past, capture the memory for the event/episode with full clarity and compose the same properly in order to write about the experience by using text, images and illustrations.
The student has to develop the scenario for the experience/event with proper story structure with emphasis on plots, characters, situations and thematic fluidity.
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 4: