Brief for the Course Assignments/Exercises:
• There are assignments for students to complete the same during the course duration of 2-3 weeks.
• Students are supposed to work in groups of 3-5 members in each group.
Assignment 2:
In this assignment/exercise each group of students will create a physical/ tangible environment in order to create a good experience for the user touching upon his/her emotional, motivational, aesthetic, and attitudinal aspects of life.
For creating the desired experience set-up/environment students can use any of the material available in the immediate environment and reconfigure these in new ways, recompose/ reorganize the same into a new and surprising scenario and the students can use their fabrication skills and can deal with materials like thermocol, wood, bamboo, paper, card board, metal etc. and then create new entities out of these materials and position the same in different relationship with each other for creating beautiful experience to the user.
Finally each group presents the new experience set-up to other students and the faculty for evaluation and assessment of the same. Here students bring skills from their understanding of space design, exhibition design, design thinking, product design etc.