• Choose what you want to create?
• Understand why are you choosing it? What is its form like?
• How will you recreate it with different materials?
• Are you being able to understand the limitations that lie within the subject? And are you learning how to choose those elements which are graphically interpretable ?
… These are some questions that will clear the air enough, to let you visualize what and how you want to make your artwork look like. Try answering them as articulately as possible, by writing things down.
For instance, you may be creating Cookies as a part of your project. Think of everything related to a cookie, when do you have it, with what do you have it. Does it have any other meanings. Once you start writing things down, you will spot connections and meanings, and this will shape the final idea for the artwork.
You may want to create exotic looking food, owing to its form, or you may want to make something you love eating. You may have a story to tell through what you make, or express concern over a subject through it. After introspecting on these factors, select what you want to ‘cook’ as a part of this project and let's move onto visualizing the dish and its core ingredients.
Let us do a small activity that allows us to understand physical and associated qualities of different things around us. Download the PDF and attempt all the questions in it. Let this be a quick workout before beginning this particular project.
• Exercise - pdf