As an introduction to art and design fundamentals, these set of exercises will introduce the concepts of light and texture as well as improve our perception of points, lines and planes.
Exercise 1:
Studying the basic forms.
Set up a still life study using the basic forms of cube, cylinder and sphere. Set up the lights in different directions and capture each setup in an A3 sheet. Repeat the exercise with four different lighting setups.
Exercise 2:
Understanding texture.
Select a repeating texture or pattern of a real life object and depict it inside a square. Repeat the exercise with four different texture patterns, all depicted in a single A3 sheet so as to understand the difference between the textures.
Exercise 3:
Perception of points.
Render a flat circle by the use of just points.
Exercise 4:
Perception of lines.
Render a flat circle by using just lines.
Exercise 5:
Perception of planes.
Render a flat circle by using planar surfaces.
Each of the above exercises should be done within 30 to 40 minutes.