Understanding forms is essentially recognizing objects as geometrical solids set in an environment. The moment we start recognizing objects in terms of forms, it simplifies our attempts at understanding the object itself while drawing. It helps us in identifying tones and textures and helps us achieve a look of solidity which can be rendered according to the tonal contrast.
Exercise 1:
Finding forms in nature.
The exercise is to try and find recognizable forms in nature, like faces and letterforms.
Exercise 2:
Set up a still life study from with a single object from life, eg. a fruit, vegetable, flower vase etc. and identify the forms and copy them on an A3 sheet.
There are two parts to this exercise:
• Draw the contours or the outline of the objects without rendering. Utilize the silhouette, proportions and the relative positive and negative spaces between the object for an accurate depiction.
• Draw a similar composition again, with an understanding of the underlying geometric forms of the object. Identify the source of light and try to depict the tonal contrast and texture of the object.
The above exercise should be done using a soft graded pencil on an A3 sheet for 20 to 30 minutes.