Drawing is a major form of visual expression since the prehistoric ages. Through the years we have seen its various expressions in the form of paintings, illustrations and other media.
As a tool, drawing plays an important role in the design process. It is also the quickest medium to communicate design ideas. It also helps the designer to put forward multiple ideas, starting out with basic concepts and loose drawings, then further exploring those concepts into detailed and concrete sketches.
In this course, we will take you through the essential drawing exercises to improve the drawing skills at any level of drawing ability. Various mediums are employed to enhance hand control and hand-eye coordination.
The exercises that are covered in this module are:
• Exercises to loosen up the hands
• Exercises to better hand control
• Gesture drawing
Essential tools required for the exercises:
• Full imperial newsprint sheet or newspaper
• A3 sheets
• Soft pencils
• Size 2 or 4 brush and ink
• Charcoal blocks