Like any other exercise, drawing should also begin with a little bit of a warm-up. Without warm up, the hand will feel particularly stiff and rigid. Warm up also helps in loosening up the hands for fearless drawing.
Exercise 1:
Drawing horizontal and vertical lines
Draw straight lines across the sheet, one-line parallel to the other. Draw vertical lines in the same sheet and repeat the process.
Exercise 2:
Drawing spirals
Draw spirals, big and small in clockwise and counter clockwise direction.
Exercise 3:
Drawing circles
Draw circles, big and small with the hand movement shifting between clockwise and counter clockwise direction.
Exercise 4:
Drawing infinity symbol
Draw the infinity symbol in one continuous motion.
Exercise 5:
Drawing wavy lines
Draw wavy lines in horizontal, vertical and diagonal direction.
The above exercise has to be done daily on a full imperial newsprint sheet or a newspaper for 10 - 15 minutes using a soft pencil.
Posture tip:
Stand upright, with hand movement starting from the shoulder; not from the wrists or elbows.