Week Three: Focus on Problem Area & Sub-Areas + Insights + Opportunities + Ideation + Report + Presentation
Suggested next steps: (you could follow your own method)
1. Within the focused problem area now you need to identify sub-areas to work keeping the broader connections in mind
2. I’m sure you have by now done the causal diagrams of your problem Area and its sub- Areas (or sub-systems) with its interconnections both in the forward (progressive) and backward (negative) directions. identify if there are any delays in these connections. Do not miss the big picture and do see if you can gain insights from this mapping analysis.
3. Also by now your primary and secondary research in the chosen focused area should give you insights/observations and point towards design opportunities
4. If you would like, this is a good time to redefine your problem statement
5. And start with ideation to solve problems concerning your sub-areas (for this you’ll need to Brainstorm + Group Ideation + Fast Visualisations/sketching)
5. You could start with Concept maps or Network diagrams of your ideas by connecting parts of your proposed system to people, activities, objects, spaces and time
6. The ideation could also be through scenarios
End of Week Three: 3rd Stage – Ideation Presentation
Presentation Schedule: 2.30pm to 5.30pm Monday afternoon
Timings for each presentation: 10 mins + 8 minutes for Discussions and Feedback
Submission: Slide presentation + Report submission (must for grading)
a) Presentation Slides – upload it on the google classroom Week 3
b) Project Report – upload it on the google classroom Week 3
Grading Points: 15%