This is an academic project by Atish Waghwase, Vanshaj Kumar, and Zaid Khuram, students of IDC School of Design at IIT Bombay. The project began with an aim to study the electric vehicle ecosystem in India while also taking reference and understanding systems that have been implemented across the world.
With the help of primary research and extensive secondary research, the project focus was brought down to electric two wheelers in India. With two wheelers taking up 80% of the current automobile markets, along with the government expecting 80% of two wheeler sales to be electric by 2030, we felt it was a more realistic and grounded goal to achieve.
Continuing with further ideation and problem identification for this futuristic scenario, we came up with multiple subsystems that could be tackled within it. After evaluating our option, the project focus was further narrowed to the public charging ecosystem in India for electric vehicles, with extensive focus on electric two wheelers.
Through research and detailed review of the stakeholders in the system, the project had an outcome in the form of a business idea. ‘Navaaz EV Charging Solutions’ would be a business to business company that would help clients of all sizes set up charging stations at their locations. We also came up with an extensive set of guidelines for the work the company would do and execute.