30,000 BC: The primitive drawings found in the Chauvet Cave, in the South of France depict graphic designs of animals.
14,000 BC: Similar designs showing animal figures have been seen in Lascaux cave of France.
3,100 BC: Sumerians did Pictographic record-keeping on clay.
2,500 BC: Some of the early cuneiforms.
2,000 BC: The picture is of Early Cretan pictograph/ Phaistos Disk.
1,000 BC: Initial traces of development of alphabets in Greece.
850 BC: Aramaic alphabets were developed.
753 BC: Rome was founded by Romulus.
600 BC: The first Roman alphabet appeared in Rome, and by the first century developed into Roman imperial capitals carved on stones, Rustic capitals painted on walls, and Roman cursive for daily use. In the second and third centuries the Uncial lettering style developed. The monasteries preserved the calligraphy traditions during the fourth and fifth centuries, when the Roman Empire fell and Europe entered the Dark Ages.
250 BC: Small Chinese Calligraphic seals were used.