Carpet comes in various sizes like 3*6, 6*7, 4*7, 4*6 ft. and in different patterns such as:
1. Dari:
Dari is a designer carpet which is made on machine. It comes in large sizes like 9*12, 10*12, and 8*10ft. It is spread on the floor for decoration.
2. Farsh:
Generally used for flooring. It comes in single colour and is a machine made item.
3. Button:
It is also used for flooring and comes in combination of strips and colours.
4. Chadar:
Chadar is used to cover.
5. Blanket:
It can also be used to cover which is quit thick as compare to Chadar.
6. Jaykat Galicha:
This is handmade multi-coloured galeecha. It is knitted on handloom.