Arunachal Pradesh is home to species of nearly 5,000 plants, more than 600 birds, and close to 100 terrestrial mammals. The hornbill is a unique bird found mainly in the forests here. The Mithun (Bos frontalis), a semidomesticated animal, is unique to the state. It plays a vital role in the socio-cultural life of the people. In the past, when the money economy was almost absent, Mithun also served as the medium of exchange in the Arunachal tribal society.
The great hornbill is the state bird of Arunachal Pradesh. Its impressive size and color have made it essential in many tribal cultures and rituals. Hollong (Dipterocarpusmacrocarpus), is the state tree, is the most predominant constituent of these forests. The kopou (Foxtail orchid) is the state flower of Arunachal Pradesh.
State Animal - Mithun (Bos frontalis)
State Bird - Hornbill (Buceros bicornis)
State Flower - Foxtail orchid (Rhynchostylis retusa)
State Tree - Hollong (Dipterocarpus macrocarpus)