Form Inspiration: Scorpion
Form generation forms one of the most important contributions of the designer in vehicle design.
In this project form generation was inspired by undertaking a close study of the the skeletal structure of the scorpion. As one can see, scorpion is divided into two parts: the cephalothorax (also called the prosoma) and the abdomen (opisthosoma). The abdomen consists of the mesosoma and the metasom
The cephalothorax, also called the prosoma, is the scorpion's “head”, comprising the carapace, eyes, chelicerae (mouth parts), pedipalps (claws) and four pairs of walking legs. The scorpion's exoskeleton is thick and durable, providing good protection from predators. Scorpions have two eyes on the top of the head, and usually two to five pairs of eyes along the front corners of the head. The position of the eyes on the head and how far back or how far to the front has to do with the ground (soil) that the scorpion lives in, for example how hard or soft the ground is.
The scorpion's tail, comprises six segments (the first tail segment looks like a last mesosoman segment), the last containing the scorpion's anus and bearing the telson (the sting). The telson, in turn, consists of the vesicle, which holds a pair of venom glands, and the hypodermic aculeus, the venom-injecting barb.