Production is where the film starts to take shape. With a plan in place from pre-production, the team now has a clear idea of what the film will look like. In the production stage, we execute the plan and bring each scene to life. Production of a film is broadly divided into three steps, according to Randy Gossman [4]:
- Layout - The camera and elements are placed in each scene, setting the foundation for the animation. This is done in a ‘Detailed Animatic’.
- Animation - With the camera and elements in place, it’s time to connect the stills and create the motion. Animation is carried out in five steps - Keys, Inbetweens, Clean Up and Colour.
- Lighting - This step brings depth to the scene, making it more believable. Highlights and shadows are added according to the light source(s) in the scene. This step is called ‘Light and Shadow’. Finally, the character, elements and environment are put together, the environment is animated and visual effects are added to bring it all together. This final step is called ‘Composite’. For this project, we completed the production of the first scene of the film.
SOFTWARE : ToonBoom Harmony 20 (Advanced)