Before beginning any scene, it is important that we develop a visual vocabulary of all movements that occur in the scene. This requires studying existing animation styles and clips that incorporate these actions, live-action scenes and recording ourselves acting out the scene or movement. References also helped us ideate the required props for the scene. Collecting references is essential in understanding the timing and spacing of movements. For references in this scene we considered -
- Sequences that take place in a kitchen.
- Sequences that have chefs or bakers.
- Scenes in departmental stores.
- Animation clips of close-up shots of prepping food or cooking.
- Close-up shots of antagonists delivering dialogues.
- Cake shops, eating cake.
- Sources: Animation films and cartoon TV shows (Traditional 2D, Anime as well as 3D), live-action clips, recorded acting clips, GIFs.
Fig 8. Reference moodboard
These clips were especially useful in carrying out the key animation and inbetweens stages.