As part of the Design Studio course, Prafulla Chandra, Rishabh Kumar and Zaid Khuram worked on a project attempting to help workers in the Unorganised sector of the Indian population. From thorough secondary research, limited and risky primary research along with help from experienced industry experts, the group was able to identify broad problems and ideate on how they could intervene.
The project developed into a business idea, called EZwork, that would serve as a platform for people to avail an end to end service for their household needs.EZwork would connect people to skilled service providers as well as hardware stores for any material needs.
With existing competition in the area chosen, from the established Urban Company, it was imperative that they identify their unique value propositions to each user. EZwork would primarily be aimed at Tier 2 and Tier 3 Indian cities, markets that their competition has failed to penetrate. With the help of having a physical presence on the !ield (through partner hardware stores), customers in this new market would hopefully be more open to availing the service they had to o"er.
As part of the project, the group attempted to !lush out what business strategies this startup would adopt, and de!ine revenue streams to make this service self sustainable. A cost structure for getting the service o" the ground was also detailed out and later cross checked again with experts and professors from management backgrounds. Final !lowcharts of how the system would work and user interface screens of the app were developed to convey the product idea as clearly as possible.