Assignment: Image Value
After the successful completion of the task 1, if we analyze the words and their relationship to the questions asked, we will be able to retrieve some answers emerging from the arrangement of words in relation to their distance, i.e., (away from or near to). Therefore, the probable question to a solution would be - is the student more (close) attached to his mother as compared to his father? We can derive visual answers through subtle spatial distances, deliberately altered by each subject to achieve the desired result in his solution. Now we will study the same questions by changing the acting variable, to 'value'.
Task 02:
We are already familiar with the questions asked in the previous assignment. The same questions (as in task 1) are supposed to be addressed in this assignment also. Here you are supposed to replace far and close in relation to the 'Value' of the achromatic colour 'Black'. Lighter the value of black more is the distance; darker the value of black, more is the closeness. Comprehending this simple relationship for far and close to the given variable 'Value', you are expected to design task 2. You should not think of the variable 'Distance', rather you are only working with the variable 'Value'. Please note, your solution will be judged on the basis of 'Value' and not the 'Distance'.
• Solution Image Value:
• Feedback - Value:
Value of the hue is the only acting variable and one has to switch off the previously defined variable of 'distance' while making visual judgments.
In other words, position of the word becomes immaterial; this in fact could have been used as an advantage to explore new orientations, leading to new arrangements of words. More interesting explorations could have been possible. The opportunity to explore two dimensional and three dimensional planes was completely missed out.
• Queries and Observations - Value:
Define reference point in relation to the assignment?
Reference point is a point from where the user is told to begin scanning information and further visually guide him or her to the next position/ point of the related word. It should conclude into a visual judgment of plotting the distance between two words. Resulting in an answer to the question asked.
• Observations:
If we analyze the given words and the questions asked they from three distinct groups based on
• Time (birthdates, birthday and death),
• Qualities (dumb and intellectual) and
• Relationships (father mother and friends).
These three heads or labels (time qualities and the relationships) under which the respective groups are formed affect the positioning of the words in other groups, with respect to the name acting as the central point of reference. At times the words within the groups are also seen to be compared.
The second assignment with value as the acting variable tries to introduce the concept of topology of white space. Here value is looked upon in atmospheric perspective” the tendency of atmosphere to make objects appear cooler or lighter in “value as they become more distinct from our vantage point, alters our perception. This entire visual phenomenon has an impact upon the experience of information in graphic space”. (Meggs, 1989).
• References and Foot-Notes:
Philip B. Meggs, Type and Image, The language of Graphic Design, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, ISBN-047128492-0.
• Perception: Limits and character of visual information:
Refers to the contrast created by the written word to the white space in which it is placed, along with other words.