1. Design appropriate lifespan
• Design components with co-extensive lifespan
• Design lifespan of replaceable components according to scheduled duration
• Select durable materials according to the product performance and lifespan
• Avoid selecting durable materials for temporary products or components
2. Reliability design
• Reduce overall number of components
• Simplify the products
• Eliminate weak liasions
3. Facilitate upgrading and adaptability
• Enable and facilitate software
• Enable and facilitate hardware upgrading
• Design modular and dynamically configured products to facilitate their adaptability for changing environments
• Design multifunctional and dynamically configured products to facilitate their adaptability for changing cultural and physical individual backgrounds
• Design onsite upgradeable and adaptable products
• Design complementary tools and documentation for products
• Design complementary tools and documentation for product upgrading and adaptation
4. Facilitate maintenance
• Simplify access and disassembly to components to be maintained
• Avoid narrow slits and holes to facilitate access for cleaning
• Prearrange and facilitate the substitution of short-lived components
• Equip the product with easily usable tools for maintenance
• Equip products with diagnostic and/ or auto - diagnostic systems for maintainable components
• Design products for easy on-site maintenance
• Design complementary maintenance tools and documentation
• Design products that need less maintenance
5. Facilitate repairs
• Arrange and facilitate disassembly and re-attachment of easily damageable components
• Design components according to standards to facilitate substitution of damaged parts
• Equip products with automatic damage diagnostic system
• Design products for facilitated on-site repair
• Design complementary repair tools, materials and documentation
6. Facilitate re-use
• Increase the resistance of easily damaged and expandable components
• Arrange and facilitate access and removal of retrievable components
• Design modular and replaceable components
• Design components according to standards to facilitate replacement
• Design re-usable auxiliary parts
• Design the re-filling and re-usable packaging
• Design products for secondary use
7. Facilitate re-manufacture
• Design and facilitate removal and substitution of easily expandable components
• Design structural parts that can be easily separated from external/ visible ones
• Provide easier access to components to be re-manufactured
• Calculate accurate tolerance parameters for easily expandable connections
• Design for excessive use of materials in places more subject to deterioration
• Design for excessive use of materials for easily deteriorating surfaces