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Additional References
• E. A. Keshner, “Virtual reality and physical rehabilitation: a new toy or a new research and rehabilitation tool?,” J. Neuroeng. Rehabil., vol. 1, no. 1, p. 8, Dec. 2004.
• A. Goto, R. Inoue, T. Tezuka, and H. Yoshikawa, “A research on tele-operation using virtual reality,” in Proceedings 4th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, pp. 147–152.
• F. Steinicke, “Being really virtual: Immersive natives and the future of virtual reality,” in Being Really Virtual: Immersive Natives and the Future of Virtual Reality, 2016, pp. 1–166.
• W. R. Sherman and A. B. Craig, Understanding virtual reality : interface, application, and design. Morgan Kaufmann, 2003.
• T. Mazuryk and M. Gervautz, “Virtual Reality History , Applications , Technology and Future History,” Virtual Real., no. January, 1997.