Animation Basics - Straight Ahead

Straight ahead animation is one of the animation technique used to create vibrant and energetic animations. With straight ahead action the animator draws one frame, then the next and so on untill the scene is complete.

Pick and place the correct frame over the dots on the line above, one after the other in the correct sequence to make the angry square transform into a happy circle. The animation will only play once the correct sequence is in place. You can reset the exercise from the reset button.
Here you can see an example of straight ahead animation where all 24 frames are drawn one after other. You can click the button below to play/pause the animation to frame of your choice.
In 2D animation(conventional and digital) animator has to draws the frames one after another to create animation. You can click the button below to play/pause the animation to frame of your choice.
Straight ahead technique in either conventional or digital 2d animation are used to create a transformation scenes, special effects such as water, fire and explosions. You can click the button below to play/pause the animation to frame of your choice.
Pros - Overall its a fun process where one can infuse their creativity and ideas as they move along with creating frames for animation.
Cons - Since its a spontaneous technique the drawings can wander and may not stick to a defined shape which can result in undesired result.
You can click the button below to play/pause the animation to frame of your choice.
This is a demostartion of 2d digital animation where each frame of the drop and its splash has been drawn one after another. Click on button below to play/pasue the video.
The above is the result of the demonstration
You can click the button below to play/pause the animation to frame of your choice.

Straight ahead animation is one of the animation technique used to create vibrant and energetic animations. With straight ahead action the animator draws one frame, then the next and so on untill the scene is complete.

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Shape is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline or an external surface. A shape can be two dimensional or three dimensional or even freeform. A shape can morph, that is change smoothly from one form to another by small gradual steps. Shapes are found in nature and can be manmade as well. Shapes based on manmade math principles like square, triangle and circle are geometric shapes, whereas abstract shapes similar to natural elements like water, fire,rocks, flora, fauna etc are organic. One can create meaning or mood using shapes. Sharp edges tend to be rigid and precise creating boldness, harshness etc. Rounded edges on the other hand are soft and friendly creating a sense of warmth and security.

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