Task 02:
This exercise tries to formulate a balance between the letterform and added meaning, in other words, you don’t lose the visual appearance of the letterform (i.e., to be able to recognize the letterform when visually perceived) and at the same time, it should also express a metaphor (added meaning). It explores the designers’ ability to represent dual meanings in a single letterform.
1. Use first alphabet of your Surname or Name (in case it starts with 'W' or 'I', then please use another letter).
2. Assume a light source from any angle and create depth. Don’t end up creating, mere shadow of the letterform. Find possible solution where the shadow becomes part of the letterform (as shown in the second stage; depth of the letter 'W').
3. In the third stage create a visual surprise out of the letterform without losing the identity of the letterform.