Tata Motors unveiled its first-ever sports car during the Geneva Motor show in 2017. It was named the RaceMo. The two-seater sports car was an instant hit among car enthusiasts and turned everyone's heads. The excitement surrounding the car was so much that Tata motors decided to branch a new sub-brand called the TAMO for high-performance machines.
The RaceMo was a sub-4 meter car. As a result, in Indian soils, it was eligible for a huge tax-benefit, something which com- pact-SUVs is famous for. Tata Motors promised to launch the road-legal two-seater race car at the price of Rs.25 lakh. The affordable price for its segment made it extremely attractive for performance enthusiasts who could only lay their hands upon big bulky sedans and SUVs.
It was low, sleek, stylish, angular, and much more at the same time. It also had scissor doors that opened like Lamborghinis. The Tata RaceMo also had the privilege of being designed by Marcello Gandini, the mastermind designer behind many famous Lamborghinis and Ferraris.