Tata Nano launch was one of the biggest automotive launches that our country has witnessed. Journalists had flown in from different continents, and the entire world was curious to know how a car can be priced at one lakh rupees. Mr. Ratan Tata, while launching the Nano at the 2O08 Auto Expo in New Delhi, said that we had given the country an affordable car, and "major part of the country will be able to sit in it".
Ratan Tata conceived the idea of the world's cheapest car on a rainy day after he saw a family of four on a bike.
The main target group of customers for Tata Nano are the lower and middle-income families in India, many of whom resisted purchasing four-wheelers mainly due to the price affordability and maintenance cost. Launching Tata Nano gave an opportunity for these groups to buy a car within their means.
History Of Indian Automobile Design (2008)