
Original Location + Cardinal Points: Chamba , Himachal Pradesh,  East India

Present Location: National Museum, Delhi

Date/Period: 1783 CE (1500-1850 CE (Early Modern))

Medium: Sculpture

Material: Bronze


Buddha sits cross-legged (padmasana) on a lotus
seat, mounted on the lion throne (simhasana) - the latter bearing lotus petal design on three sides. His right hand is in an earth touching gesture (bhumi-sparsha-mudra) and the left is placed on the lap. He bears an uma mark on the forehead and has extended lobes of ears and lines on the neck. The hair is arranged in small schematic spirals with
a top knot (Ushnisha). The robe is draped over the left shoulder, leaving the right bare. The frilled edge of the lower garment can be seen in the front.

Dimensions: H 20.0 x W 15.5 x D

Accession number: Ace. No. 48.4/6

Credits: National Museum, Delhi

