Shadakshari Lokeshvara

Original Location + Cardinal Points: Tibet,  South Asia

Present Location: National Museum, Delhi

Date/Period: 16th Century CE (1500-1850 CE (Early Modern))

Medium: Sculpture

Material: Bronze


Shadakshari Lokeshvara is also one of the thirty-one forms of Avalokitesvara according to the Sadhanamala. He is personified by the six syllable mantra of the Buddhists, "Om mani padme hum'. The four-armed Shadakshari Lokesvara is seated in padmasana on the lotus pedestal. Lower pair of his arms is in anjali mudra against the chest, while the upper right hand is in the attitude of holding the rosary which is not present; the upper left is holding the lotus (utpala). He is adorned with the jewelled crown decorated with five crests.

Dimensions: H 15.5 x W 11.0 x D

Accession number: Ace. No 83.430

Credits: National Museum, Delhi

