Standing Padmapani

Original Location + Cardinal Points: Nalanda, Bihar,  North India

Present Location: National Museum, Delhi

Date/Period: 9th Century CE (300-1200 BCE-CE (Early Medieval))

Medium: Sculpture

Material: Bronze


This figure of Bodhisattva Padmapani in a standing position is made in gilt bronze. The right hand is in varada-mudra (gift bestowing attitude); in the left hand he holds the stalk of a full-blown lotus. The figure is surrounded by an oval-shaped prabhavali (aureole) having a flaming border and three full-blown lotus with petals inside. The hair is dressed high and three locks fall on each shoulder. He has extended lobes and lines on the neck.

Dimensions: H 51.4 x W 18.0 x D

Accession number: Ace. 47.33

Credits: National Museum, Delhi

